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Numeric Operators

The following operators can be applied to any values of any of the numeric types: double, int, and/or long.

Except as noted, the result of each operation is of the following type:

Note: If any of the operands are double, then the result is double. Otherwise, if any of the operands are long, then the result is long. If all of the operands are int, the result is int.
General Form Meaning / Remarks
n1 + n2 add
n1 – n2 subtract


The result is n with its sign flipped (i.e., positive n results in negative n, and vice-versa). Zero is unaffected.

n1 * n2 multiply
n1 / n2


Even if both of the operands are of type int and/or long, the result is of type double if it's not a whole number.

n1 \ n2

floored integer divide

Same as divide, but the result is rounded to the nearest whole number in the direction of negative infinity.

n1 mod n2


The result is the remainder after floored integer division.

Given any two numbers n1 and n2, if ...

quotient = n1 \ n2

remainder = n1 % n2

then the result of ...

n1 * quotient + remainder is n1.

n1 < n2

n1 > n2

n1 <= n2

n1 >= n2

test for relative order

Determines how one numeric value relates to another, resulting in a bool value. The result is true if the comparison is successful, otherwise it's false.

Respectively, the operators are: less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to.